Letter of November 25, 1998

November 25, 1998

(Thanksgiving Day)

Dear ___:

Added to what you’ve received before, the following points will further solidify how consciousness is establishing your very own understanding of the “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science” (My. 297:18), hereafter referred to as the C.C.T., for short.  This phrase is from a tribute given by Mrs. Eddy to Edward A. Kimball.  It wasn’t his personality she was giving her tribute to; it was his understanding.  So there’s no escaping that one’s understanding of what consciousness is, is essential to the demonstration of Christian Science.  

I’m sending this now because it will show where your entire experience with that dear husband of yours is taking place, including yourself, – where it is all going on, and how to behold it, as it all continues to present itself as consciousness with you.  You’ll discern that, as you establish your spirituality, all that appears as husband to you is this one consciousness that is, even though sadly misinterpreted by mortals.  That’s why Jesus said, “If I, if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all …unto me.”  The word “men” was not in the original translation.  The scribes of the day just assumed that Jesus was talking about “men” being drawn unto him.  So he did not say if you, or you men, be lifted up, because it was all presenting itself to him as his I.  The pronoun “you” is an object, something “out there.”  Whereas this “I” is the subject, and deals only with what is “here,” the one and only consciousness that is!  It is the one divine Consciousness that will lift up and sustain all that is appearing as husband because there is, in the infinity of creation, only one consciousness, even though misinterpreted by mortals as many consciousnesses, all beholding good and evil, right and wrong, true and false.  To silence this insidious belief forever, Mrs. Eddy declared, “the divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness.” (S.& H. 536:8)   That is an imperative, “no other”!  so you may never have to say one word to —-.  He is embraced in the infinitude of Love that you’re living as love’s reflection.

Everything that comes to each and every one of us, is presenting itself as consciousness.   We cannot silence it, for that would entail a belief of death.  Nor can we ever escape from the way consciousness is appearing, for it always appears either positively or negatively.  When the negative appears, all one can do is to reverse the appearing for the divine fact the way Mrs. Eddy did it.   Mrs. Eddy’s “clear, correct teaching,” then, must be understood from the standpoint of what she had Edward A. Kimball teach in the four Normal Classes starting in 1899, under her direction.  She wouldn’t have selected him to teach these Normal Classes if he hadn’t already demonstrated that he understood her teaching.  He had proven he could stand up to its challenge!  Only by starting our every thought with a right understanding of what consciousness is, that it is divine, that it reigns, that it is all, therefore there is no other, will the C.S’tist truly discern that “God…guides every event of our careers.” (Unity 3:27)  Now that means EVERY event!  Not just some events, whether the event appears in positive or negative language as one’s experience!!

Let me first give the natural order of Edward A. Kimball’s teaching under Mrs. Eddy’s direction, given in those Normal Classes.   The order is given in the book titled, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Its “CLEAR, CORRECT TEACHING” and COMPLETE WRITINGS, by Herbert W. Eustace, simply referred to by the majority of his readers as The One Volume, or C.C.T. book, which is available to those ready for it.  And may I state right off that this book is but a “schoolroom book” for thrashing out the understanding of our textbook.  It in no way replaces Science and Health which is already complete and final.   And what does one do in a schoolroom, if not to thrash out the understanding of the textbook assigned by the teacher!  Wasn’t this the purpose of the original Normal Classes to thrash out the understanding of Science and Health so that it could be properly taught? 

Keep in mind that those attending those Normal Classes were there for the express purpose of getting the basic teaching fundamentals, and learning that the one Teacher was divine Mind, the only Teacher, and not the mind of a particular man appearing to the class as the person of Edward A. Kimball.  In those first four classes the only one who saw that divine Mind was the only Teacher was Herbert W. Eustace.  It may seem like an astounding statement to make considering that those four classes totaled 120 students.  But it was no different than all the hundreds of students who took class with Mrs. Eddy before Edward A. Kimball  stepped forward as understanding her “clear, correct teaching.”  Cream always rises to the top – naturally.  What later appeared as jealousy toward Kimball and Eustace was for this very reason, – that mortal mind was unwilling to acknowledge divine Mind’s unfoldment of its spiritual idea. 

Just stop to consider the ranks of Christian Scientists today, how inflamed that “mind” still gets if it believes another is advancing beyond IT, or if one is excluded from being IT.  It’s the basis of all anger!  That wouldn’t happen if it were understood that God is man’s very Mind.  All human education is based on the premise that man’s mind man, that man has to be taught what he doesn’t know.  As you will quickly discern, in using the argument that man’s mind is man, evil meets with no resistance whatever from the mortal, for that viewpoint has been drummed into him from the very beginning of mortal birth, with man accepting it as naturally as he accepts that he breathes.  But the C.C.T. clearly and correctly shows that,

One all-important point must still be brought to light and seen through and thus annihilated.  This, the greatest lie of all, the consummate presumption of evil attempting to negate this glorious completeness, seen as God as the very MIND OF MAN, this evil appearing under the designation of the dragon of Revelation must now be seen for just what it is.  This one liar of all lies, declares since God is the MIND OF MAN, and since man’s mind is the man, then it must follow that man is God.  This is the final perversion of the truth and rightly is called the dragon.

Because God is man’s Mind, that does not make man God, for how could God be man’s Mind, and then man be God?  That would annihilate God and so annihilate both God and man.  There must ever be Cause and effect or you would have neither, and if one could become the other, elimination of both would be complete.  No wonder Mrs. Eddy says, “As truth progresses, error becomes more subtle and aggressive, but it does not become something.”

Here let us pause and question: How does it come about that the dragon repeating your absolute conclusion, that, God is man’s Mind, immediately continues with this faulty syllogism – God is man’s Mind and because “man’s mind is man,” then man is God.  Where does the statement that, man’s mind is man, come from?  The dragon cannot think and therefore did not invent it; but evil always uses in dealing with the mortal the line of least resistance.  Now in using the argument or statement that, “man’s mind is man,” the dragon meets with no resistance whatever from the mortal.  The mortal from his very inception has had this belief that, “man’s mind is man” drilled into him until it is as natural for him to accept it as it is for him to breathe.

Then the dragon in using this connecting link that “man’s mind is man,” is not conjuring up something new and subtle of its own, but is just using the utterly false teaching which the mortal has never been taught to refute.  When voiced by the dragon, it is readily accepted as correct by its would-be victim, and it therefore follows logically, that, because God is man’s Mind, and since man’s mind is man, then it must inevitably follow that man is God.

Belief in this falsity never made it true.  Man’s mind never is and never has been or could be man.  There has always been, and ever must be the two, man’s mind and man.

Think this out carefully for yourself and you will see how falsely the mortal has been educated on this point that, his mind is him, until he has just accepted it without the slightest question as part and parcel of his very being, thus providing the dragon with the very essential link it needed, and without which it could not jump in its argument from, God being man’s Mind, to the culminating iniquity of evil that, man is God.

Christian Science has however brought the Christian Scientist face to face with fundamentals, both good and evil so-called, and so he is quick to discern this greatest fundamental falsity of all that man’s mind is man, even as he understands the greatest fundamental truth is, that God, divine Love is man’s one and only Mind but is never man.

This correct understanding of being enables the Christian Scientist to instantly rise in righteous wrath, and with the whole force of his understanding declare in no uncertain language, “man’s mind is not man and therefore man is not mind either good or evil.”  Did not Jesus with terrific emphasis say, “Why callest thou me good?”  Man is forever apart from his mind in one sense of the word, but on the other hand inseparably one with it, as one could never be without the other.  Nevertheless this never makes the mind the man or the man the mind.

If man’s mind and man were one and the same, what possible chance would the so-called sick and sinning mortal ever have, to separate himself from the mind that was victimizing him, as Christian Science has taught the mortal how to do?  Man can never free himself by being one with the error or evil, but only by beholding himself forever, “upright, pure and free, not needing to consult almanacs for the probabilities either of his life or of the weather, not needing to study brainology to learn how much of a man he is.”  When Jesus commanded, “Stretch forth thine hand,” he spoke to the man not to the ignorance responsible for the mesmerism, even as with Lazarus, “come forth,” which would have been utterly useless, if the one evil ignorance embracing within itself all evil, as the negation of divine Mind, could actually be man.

What applies to evil is equally true of good.  Then the Mind that is God is always man’s Mind, but is never man, hence man could never be God.

Man is the doer of the WORD, never the WORD.  “You are,” Mrs. Eddy has said, “not flesh but rather the ray of divine Light that shining upon flesh makes it appear alive.  This you is spiritual.”

Then the final battle is with this dragonish lie that, man is God; and here comes in so beautifully Mrs. Eddy’s perfect remedy, so full of love and power, “When the thinker is lost in the eminence of Mind the healing takes place.”  The “eminence of Mind” is the one and only place where the healing of this last iniquity can be obtained, through such a glorious sense of the overwhelming presence of divine infinite Love that the eminence of Mind is All, “encircling the universe and man and filling all space,” or in the words of St. Paul, “Then shall the Son also himself be subject unto Him that put all things under him, that God may be All-in-all.”  And too, the joyous consummation, given in the Revelation of Jesus Christ to his “servant John,” that the dragon, together with “death and hell” were cast into the Lake of “fire and brimstone,” joining there the dragon’s two emissaries, the beast and the false prophet, already cast there, to be forever purified, as burning in Scriptural metaphor always implies.  When purified, then nothing remains to voice evil.

 And when the Preamble to our Constitution declared an eternal truth that “all men are created equal,” Mrs. Eddy was enabled to say, “Religious liberty and individual rights under the Constitution of our nation are rapidly advancing, avowing and consolidating the genius of Christian Science.” (My. 200:1)   Thus is her C.C.T. eternally established as to man, given in the above quotation.  Now you can declare in no uncertain language, “‘man’s mind is not man and therefore man is not mind either good or evil.’  Did not Jesus with terrific emphasis say, ‘Why callest thou me good?’”   Man simply is, nothing more, nothing less.  That declaration in the  Preamble placed everyone on equal footing, for it is a true statement.  But Mrs. Eddy never said, or agreed with, “all thinking was created equal,” for in the line of light, every rise is a rise to clearer and clearer unfoldments under the one divine Mind’s direction.  So the only Teacher to man is – and has to be – God,  and God alone.  

It has now been ninety years since Mrs. Eddy passed, and one-hundred years since the Normal Classes.  And C.S’tists have not yet left the human mind as man’s mind to the acceptance of God as the only Teacher.  The human mind still wants to be IT in the making of every decision, totally ignoring that it is God who does the guiding of EVERY event for those spiritually directed.  God doesn’t guide the human mind because there is no such thing.  He doesn’t know anything about a human mind.  But He definitely guides the man spiritually receptive to His guidance.  Man’s mind, or Mind, depending upon his spirituality, are not the same “thing,” for man is simply man, nothing more, nothing less.  It shouldn’t seem surprising, then, with the Normal Classes being for the express purpose of teaching potential teachers in Christian Science, that there was only one who grasped the essence of Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. given by Kimball!  All it ever takes to carry forward a right idea is one, one with the Word, that is presenting itself as the divine consciousness.  The natural unfoldment as consciousness in Christian Science, in following the pattern of the Bible, is:

First, it establishes the true; second, it defines and analyses the false; and lastly, it shows how the true is the positive and the false is the negative aspect of the same truth which, when reversed, leaves ‘nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.’ S. & H. 340:29.   (O.V. 73)

This last or third step, which was the essence of those Normal Classes, although possibly not spelled out as clearly here, is to show how “the true is the positive and the false is the negative aspect of the same truth which, when reversed, leaves ‘nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.”  (Emphasis supplied, PWA.)  The closest statements in the entirety of Christian Science literature that are comparable to it are the estoppel clauses in our Church Manual.  That’s right!  To the mortal, the Church Manual By-laws appear as “laws of limitation.”  So the mortal ignores them.  To the man of God, the By-laws are meant to silence or keep mortal mind in check.  So they are obeyed.  To the man of God, having only God as his Mind, the true is the positive, and the false, appearing as “laws of matter,” are the negative aspect of that same positive truth which, when reversed, silences all mortal control of mortals by other mortals.  Mrs. Eddy said that while here she would guide the church wisely, from the standpoint of divine Mind.  Starting in 1903, however, knowing she would be leaving the human scene when her work was finished, she started to prepare thought for her leaving. 

The first appearing of this step was Mrs. Eddy’s 1903 By-law telling Christian Scientists to no longer call her Mother, showing that it is her Revelation, Science and Health, the Comforter promised by Christ Jesus, that was to be the continuing Leader.  This Leader would be her “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science,” showing mankind what it is, and what it is not, showing that “the true is the positive and the false is the negative aspect of the same truth.”  This teaching was first started by Mrs. Eddy in 1884, but was little understood, and there were still many forward steps to be taken in her unfoldment of the founding of Christian Science.  Now it was to be presented in the Normal Classes conducted by Kimball because he was the first, other than Mrs. Eddy, who understood the subject.  With Kimball keeping her posted, he could now tell her, that in his 1902 class, the fourth class given, there was now another, other than Mrs. Eddy and Mr. Kimball, one from the field of Christian Scientists, taught by one of Mrs. Eddy’s students, who now understood this subject, completing the entire human purpose for having class teaching, showing God as the one Teacher! 

Both Mrs. Eddy and Mr. Kimball had patiently waited since the first class in 1899, for one to step forward.  That patience was finally rewarded.  Prior to that time only Mrs. Eddy and Kimball, her own student, had fully understood this subject, man’s mind being what it is, man believing that man’s mind is the man, making man, God, rather than God being mans one and only Mind!  The great majority in those Normal Classes, with the exception of Mr. Eustace, were thinking of Christian Science as a new religion, and that they, as mortals, had a place in it as a teacher of Christian Science, rather than thinking scientifically “out from”  the one Teacher, divine Mind.    Mrs. Eddy tells us that Church would evolve, and so it is evolving.  But how, if not scientifically!  Well, it is evolving; but not as mortal’s have understood it.  On December 7, 1910, four days after Mrs. Eddy passed, the Directors publicly announced that they had consulted with their lawyers, and that their lawyers have advised them, etc.  The movement has been operating under the aegis of human legal interpretation ever since.  God was thrown right out the window as the operating basis for Christian Science, for the Manual is not a legal document.  It is church canon.  And Christian Scientists went right along with it without question.   It was an open admission that the human mind was in control of all that is Christian Science.  So,

This negation or suppositional mind must by its very suppositional opposite nature, assume in belief all that God is, together with all His power, authority and law whereby to act, etc.  It is as such supposition that we must view this lie.  It usurps the role of God and claims to be very Mind and therefore to be your Mind, thinking and acting for you to the minutest details of your daily life.  It uses the lie about every law and activity of God as its ‘law’ of activity and does this all with the suggestion that ‘I am of God for God made me; in fact I am God, Truth.’  We have seen, however, that the only sense in which God ‘made’ it is in the sense that God through His isness must imply His suppositional opposite is not.  The is not, by its reversal declares is and thus shows forth God’s absolute allness both negatively and positively so that God may truly be All-in-all.  (O.V. 436, 437)

It is only Mrs. Eddy’s “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science” that can, and will, reverse this suppositional mind called the human mind.

The divine record shows that Mrs. Eddy first gave this understanding in 1884 when she taught her first C.C.T. class in Chicago, in the West, to which Chicago was then classified.  Classes were given earlier, of course, but this was the first class to which she gave this new  understanding.  Edward A. Kimball would rise out of First Church in Chicago, where this seed was sown.  In the rise of the line of light to the full acceptance of Science and Health, this seed would eventually culminate in the Far West, to those Mrs. Eddy referred to as “the Christian Scientists” (My. 197), to that understanding which would, in 1902, result in the epitomé of her 1901 declaration, “The Christian Scientist is alone with his own being, and with the reality of things.” (Mess. 01, 20:8)  It is THE Christian Scientist that is aloneall one with God, the reality of all that presents itself as consciousness, who understands the “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science”!  “The Christian Scientist” means “the only” Christian Scientist, and is not “a,” Christian Scientist, or one among many. (See S.&H. 117:1.  Emphasis supplied, PWA.) 

The West and Far West, or even darkest Africa, may seem like geographical locations to those thinking in terms of persons, places, and things.  But Mrs. Eddy scientifically, therefore unequivocally knew, that the further removed one’s gets from thinking in terms of effect that man’s mind is man, – which is the false consciousness of the mortal wrapping itself up in what may be best described as “a” personality, – the more clear, the more correct, and the more impersonal one becomes in expressing her “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science.”  So it is not just coincidence that the impersonal seed was to rise out of First Church in Chicago. 

Mrs. Eddy’s first publicly expressed her idea that “the false is the negative aspect of the same truth” in her Sermon delivered in Boston, on January 18, 1885, and can be found in Misc. Writings, starting on page 171.  At that time, while clothed discreetly, but still placing her C.C.T. on public record, and in words profound, she declared: 

Dispensing the Word charitably, but separating the tares from the wheat, let us declare the positive and the negative of metaphysical Science; what it is, and what it is not….Science is divine; it is neither of human origin nor of human direction.” (172:3-17)

Just think of it.   One-hundred and fifteen years ago, in 1885, our Leader first started to tell us that “metaphysical Science,” very Truth itself, has a negative!  And that we should declare not only the positive but the negative of this Science!  Why?  Because the entire experience is presenting itself as consciousness, and cannot be ignored.  Then let’s begin to declare both, and silence the human mind’s insistence in believing that the negative is something that is of evil, contrary to, or apart from Christian Science!  It is the human mind itself that is trying to hide from Truth so as not to be exposed by it.  It is the so-called human mind that is the dragon of Revelation.  Am I saying that the so-called human mind or dragon of Revelation is God’s negative expression of Truth, divine Mind?  Yes.  However, the so-called human mind or dragon is not a reality.  It shows what God is not.  Consequently, “The use of a lie is that it unwittingly confirms Truth, when handled by Christian Science, which reverses false testimony and gains a knowledge of God from opposite facts, or phenomena.”  (Unity 36:6) 

Further, as Christian Scientists begin to reverse the negative appearing of God, they begin to demonstrate that not only the positive, but the “negative of metaphysical Science” – that neither one – are of human origin or of human direction!  By showing that the impetus behind the negative is God, and, as the negative is reversed, you are demonstrating there is simply no reality to the human mind.  In other words, Science is showing that the so-called human mind just doesn’t enter into any consideration of Christian Science other than that it is the negative of God, meaning that the human mind, when reversed, has been proven to be nothing, for it is neither of divine origin or divine direction.  You’ll have proven that the false is the negative aspect of that same “metaphysical Science” which, when reversed, leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.”  (The hi-lighted emphasis of the above quotes supplied. PWA)  

Christian Scientists of Mrs. Eddy’s “clear, correct teaching” now recognize that in the whole of the founding record, as the “Preface” to Miscellaneous Writings depicts, that all casualties in Christian Science, in what Mrs. Eddy calls its “battle-grounds,” lie in one’s ignorance of Truth expressed negatively.  This is the one common denominator for all those getting off the track.  This happens only because Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. rules have been violated.  How grateful then, should be our gratitude that God has given us the language of her “clear, correct teaching”!

Ignorance is seen in the effort by Christian Scientists to get away from facing the negation, as if the divine negative is something evil, wrong, or false, because they do not see that it expresses God just as does the positive.  Only the negation declares Him negatively, that is, in the code of reversal, what He is not.    This is God saying to the mortal, “If you don’t see what I am in my positive language, I’ll awaken you to my negative language, forcing you to arise and reverse the negative appearing for the positive fact of what I am.”  This is the foundation for Mrs. Eddy, as the “scribe under orders,” to say, in quoting Shakespeare, “Sweet are the uses of adversity;  Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.”   (S.&H. 66:3)  Note, in quoting Shakespeare Mrs. Eddy is not saying that adversity is sweet, but that its uses are sweet.  God doesn’t know anything about adversity; but He definitely gives that which is mortal the use of the experience when the mortal is not seeing Him positively, so that He may be seen as All-in-all.  God doesn’t fool around with the mortal who wants to grow, but is, nevertheless, not living as the man of God.  God does not punish; it is man’s ignorance of God that is its own punishment.  Giving the mortal the use of the experience is God’s negative or the divine negative!  How absurd to think that we understand anything, unless we know exactly what it is not in knowing fully, in full understanding of what it is.  Thus instead of translating all appearing into the one cause and its one effect or infinite idea, ignorance turns its back increasingly on what presents itself as consciousness.  The ultimate end of that trail always is to eventually break down both faith and hope to where there is no longer even a semblance that God is All-in-all, and that now are we the sons and daughters of God. 

The negation, then, reveals clearer and clearer unfoldments of the one divine Mind as His divine negatives, which the human mind believes are real, are reversed.  Understanding Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. deprives the so-called human mind alias the dragon of Revelation, from weaving a web for its victim, even as the confidence man weaves the downfall of his ignorant confiding sucker-victim.

It is for this reason, and no other, why Mrs. Eddy gave tribute to Edward A. Kimball, in Miscellany, under the heading “There Is No Death,” after his passing in 1909.  This is an important point for it shows there is no death to this “clear, correct teaching.”  In giving tribute to the immortality of his understanding she said, “My beloved Edward A. Kimball, whose clear, correct teaching of Christian Science has been and is an inspiration to the whole field, is here now….If we would awaken to this recognition,” etc.  (297:11-24)  Two points to consider from what Mrs. Eddy is saying: 1) That Kimball’s C.C.T. understanding is not dead!  2) Since this is the essence of “metaphysical Science,” what “has been and is,” can never become what is not.  It has always been the human no-mind, the belief that man’s mind is the man, that has rebelled  against what it believed is this “teaching.”  There would be no rebellion, nor attempt to ignore the estoppels, if man acknowledged only the divine Mind as his Mind.   

Only that which is of Spirit and spiritual can demonstrate that “the false is the negative aspect of that same truth, very Truth itself.  To repeat, the negative expresses God just as does the positive, that the negation declares Him negatively, that is, in the code of reversal, what He is not.   How absurd to think that we understand anything, unless we know exactly what it is not in knowing fully, in full understanding of what it is.  Only Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. can demonstrate the negative of “metaphysical Science.”  So there’s no further reason for Christian Scientists to be reluctant to phrase it, the divine negative, or God’s negative, just because silly theological belief has been unwilling to rise higher.  Dualism must be silenced.  Much more could be given on this subject, but this is suffice for now.

With the divine Mind as man’s very Mind, there can be no mixture of the human along with the divine.  For the human to pattern the divine, one must see divinely, and that will be expressed in a language of mankind’s acceptance appearing humanly.  There simply is no human mind!  And here’s the most important point:  With the divine Mind as man’s very Mind, the first awakening with the mortal is to arrive at the realization that it’s never a person, a place, or a thing, as such, that is wrong, or the so-called problem.  This reverses and eliminates all acceptance of the appearing as something material, as matter.  This also reverses and eliminates all acceptance that is presenting itself as mind, in mind, and as mental.  And with this mind uncovered, and being exposed for what it is, it eliminates, thereby reversing, the necessity of the mortal to start thinking with a malicious mind as man’s mind, as the so-called problem.  For it is this “mind” that is always presenting itself to the mortal as either matter, or as good and evil, right and wrong, true and false mental concepts.   By starting with God as man’s very Mind  what appears as evil, wrong, and false, disappear when wrapped up in the arms of divine Love, for they never were!

That “mind” we now know is the dragon of Revelation, the last enemy to be destroyed.   We no longer bow down to the appearing of its two emissaries, the beast and false prophet.  Instead, it is the dragon we’re reversing.  But not understanding the dragon and how it is operating, it will subtly continue to reverse Christian Science, keeping the human mind from being exposed as the dragon, and especially within the ranks of Christian Scientists!  God’s positive is exposing the paucity of the human mind, the negative, showing what it is not, and is reversing it for what is.  This is the key reason why so little progress seems to have been made during the past ninety years since Mrs. Eddy left.  That mind, alias the dragon of Revelation, the prestidigitator, the manipulator of the matter-beast of Revelation trying to make Christian Scientists continue to believe that matter is real, when Jesus destroyed it for all time on the cross some two-thousand years ago, with his resurrection and Ascension.  Likewise, the dragon of Revelation, the manipulator of the false prophet of Revelation, has continually attempted to make Christian Scientists believe that malicious mind is real when Mary Baker Eddy thoroughly and scientifically proved, and overcame, the nothingness of that mind.  The dragon, through these two emissaries, has continually tried to make man believe that man’s mind is indeed, man, even while at the same time declaring that God is man’s Mind.  The dragon has to do this!  It hides behind its two emissaries in order to protect itself, for if you attack and try to destroy its two emissaries, which have already been scientifically destroyed by both Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, the dragon remains hidden, and left alone.  Nevertheless, it knows its time is short, for it is now being exposed for the nothingness it is being found to be.   With the advent of Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. we are proving there is but one consciousness or Mind since “The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness.””(S. & H. 536:8)  That means exactly what it says, – there is no other! 

Under Mrs. Eddy’s definition of “Good” in her book, Unity of Good,  she lays it on the line, saying,

All consciousness is Mind; and Mind is God, – an infinite, and not a finite consciousness.  This consciousness is reflected in individual consciousness, or man, whose source is infinite Mind.  There is no really finite mind, no finite consciousness.  There is no material substance (no beast, Jesus’ having reversed the belief of death and a matter-body), for Spirit is all that endureth, and hence is the only substance.  There is, can be, no evil mind (no false prophet, Mary Baker Eddy having proven the nothingness of malicious mind), because Mind is God.  God and His ideas – that is, God and the universe – constitute all that exists.  Man, as God’s offspring, must be spiritual, perfect, eternal.  (24:12)

Consciousness, then, is the one, the real, the all and only divine consciousness.  All one’s work or knowing then, is seeing all that appears is to be of divine consciousness, or Mind.    You are never dealing with, so never correcting or trying to change a thing, to change an effect.  The negative of that Mind is that Mind presenting itself in the best, most necessary language to awaken the mortal to reverse the negative for the positive.  Once accomplished the pressure instantly stops.

The Christian Scientist must see the negative for just what it is, how it arises in belief and all that there is to it, or he will not understand it, and be able to handle it.  It is never some terrible thing happening.  It is just the presence of God misseen.   Starting with divine consciousness as man’s very Mind, what follows will undoubtedly be the most profound concept on the negation you’ve ever read.  It will enable Christian Scientists to accomplish more for the world  in five years than the Christian Science movement has been able to accomplish in the past one-hundred.  Outside of Mrs. Eddy’s writings, nothing like it has ever been in print before.  Said Mr. Eustace:

Malicious mind never thought a thought of its own – never knew you or me or anyone – never conjured up an attack of any kind.  It is pure negation, meaning thereby, just what all ignorance is – wholly dependent on a truth to supply it with its entire ammunition.  It borrows everything from the truth about which it is the lie or of which it is the ignorance.

Then has it any power to harm?  Certainly not, except the imaginary power that each victim, so-called, gives it.  However, in the realm of ignorance, that power is ever present to destroy the successful working out of any problem, unless it is seen and detected, and wiped out – but only of course, in the same sense that any ignorance does this, and malicious mind is not a peculiar kind of ignorance, it is only the highest and last phase and only seems to express intelligence because of the infinite intelligence God is.  As one progresses in any subject, it is the increased understanding, and that alone, which produces the varying and increasing possibilities of mistakes – what may seem like attacks of mistakes.

But the remedy lies right at home, every time.  It is not ignorance which is attacking you; it is the unfoldment of a greater sense of intelligence, always accompanied by the ignorance or negation of that greater unfoldment.  You are the one, and only one involved.  Remember, ignorance, evil does not know you nor is it consciously bringing about something untoward for you although seeming to do that very thing.  It is wholly impersonal, but inevitable with your progress.  It is easily handled when recognized for what it is, and when the truth you know and understand is applied.   Now, always and under all circumstances it is malicious hypnotic suggestion. 

Of itself, evil is utterly powerless, never thinking or doing one thing, except as the truth you know goes forward and the negation trots along, side by side, as a glorious reminder to one, to keep on the straight and narrow path.  That, of course, means starting and ending thought, each time, with that which Is, and is All that is.  The Bible demands that “your conversation be in heaven,” in other words, on the side of right, and Jesus said, “Let your communication be Yea, Yea, and Nay, Nay; for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil.”  The grand and only purpose of the negation is to act as a sentinel, to keep one always in line, pressing one back if the slightest straying occurs.  But that pressing instantly stops, the moment one had obeyed the command, “This is the way, walk ye in it; when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left.”

Yet in spite of the Christian Scientist’s clear discernment of the complete powerlessness of malicious mind to do or know one thing, of itself, the Christian Scientist today has reason to be more alert and more on the tower of watching, than ever before.  As Mrs. Eddy so aptly states it, “The means for sinning unseen and unpunished have so increased that, unless one be watchful and steadfast in Love, one’s temptations to sin are increased a hundredfold.  Mortal mind at this period mutely works in the interest of both good and evil in a manner least understood; hence the need of watching, and the danger of yielding to temptation from causes that at former periods in human history were not existent.”   As used above, the terms “sinning” and “sin” would not only imply the perpetration of such sin, but would include falling a victim to hypnotic suggestion.

The rampant and boastful way in which the subject of hypnotism is played up in the press and other means of communication, without a vestige of warning of how to escape from its deviltries, should show one how essential it is to be alert so as not to be deceived by radio or by any of the other means of impartation, whether audible or silent.

The understanding of Christian Science, and its prayerful and intelligent application is the mortal’s only possible way of escape from this final and worst enemy of mankind, hypnotism, malicious mental malpractice, which is the spontaneous negation of “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.”

The question of our being now in the Ascension period, beyond the era of matter or material belief, is so momentous that I would not have you leave without your having made it your own.  So, as you must have noticed, I have repeated, reiterated, constantly and intentionally, certain sentences and phrases fundamental to this tremendously important subject. (One Volume 946,947.  Emphasis supplied. PWA)

There you have it.  Study by thinking it through; then enjoy.  But if you need more on this subject than what has been given here, read, no study, the article beginning on p. 199, of Misc. Writings, but specifically starting on page 200:11.  This is more on how God governs mankind in negative language.

In the bond of Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T.,


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            Based on the above, the following points are self-explanatory.

  1. How wondrously Mrs. Eddy’s C.C.T. states it: “When thought  is lost in the eminence of Mind the healing takes place.”  (Consecration, p. 2/976, of the One Volume).  Then it is restated and enforced: “When the thinker is lost in the eminence of Mind the healing takes place.”  (p. 3/977.  Emphasis mine, PWA).  The thinker is always Mind, although appearing humanly as man doing the thinking!   Nevertheless, the thinker is never man.  God is man’s one and only Mind, but never man.

Not understanding the C.C.T. the mortal believes that man is the thinker.   Mrs. Eddy, right from the very beginning of the Bible exposes this lie.  In Genesis 5:2, it says, “Male and female created he them;…and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”  There it is, Adam and Eve were not two mortals with minds of their own, but one.   From the beginning of recorded history the Adam-man had gotten away from God as the only cause by attaching error to the female as something apart from his knowing.  That’s where duality entered in.  Since Adam believed that his mind was him, that he was cause, such a belief seemed possible, even natural to that thought.  That is the very basis of Judaic thought. 

As Adam said of Eve, that which was presenting itself as a negation to his thought, – “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat.” (Gen. 3:12)  This was the first recorded finger-pointing.   But Eve, seeing spiritually by rising higher than mortal sense, was the first to see that the error was not something “out there,” or “over there.”  She said, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat!” (Ibid.,13)  Science and Health says, “Truth, cross-questioning man as to his knowledge of error, finds woman the first to confess her fault…as much as to say I meek penitence, ‘Neither God nor man shall father my fault.’  She has already learned that corporeal sense is the serpent.”  (S.& H. 533:26  The Adam-man had gotten away from his oneness with God as causation – his true Mind, – to the point where that man began to believe that he was It, the very Thinker Itself.  The Eve of that Adam was the first to reverse this trend of error, and became the “mother of all living.”  (Gen. 3:20)  That’s why Mrs. Eddy declared in Science and Health that Eve was the “first to abandon the belief in the material origin of man and to discern spiritual creation.  This hereafter enabled woman to be the mother of Jesus and to behold at the sepulchre the risen Saviour, who was soon to manifest the deathless man of God’s creating.  This enabled woman to be first to interpret the Scriptures in their true sense, which reveals the spiritual origin of man.” (534:1)  Note the rise in the Line of Light of these four woman, Eve, Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Mary Baker Eddy. 

This history of Adam had first been demonstrated over and reversed by Christ Jesus.  In Unity of Good Mrs. Eddy said, “In his first epistle to the Corinthians (xv.45) Paul writes: ‘The first Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.’  The apostle refers to the second Adam as the Messiah, our blessed Master, whose interpretation of God and His creation – by restoring to spiritual sense of man as immortal instead of mortal – made humanity victorious over death and the grave.”  This statement is proof positive that Jesus overcame matter; so there’s nothing to be resurrected from.  Mrs. Eddy entered right into the fulness of the Ascension period where Jesus left off, bringing Christian Science forward almost 2,000 years to the present age.  That’s the point to which the one man of God has now risen to.  That declaration just needs to be accepted (understood) spiritually to be the fact of creation with all so-called mortals.  This Science is made manifest now, and is being accepted as the fact of Mrs. Eddy’s founding to those who understand the C.C.T.  Hence the spiritual basis of the Bible is still intact.  This understanding is all coming as the divine consciousness; it surely is.   Then what are we accepting, the human or divine?

For this we can thank Christ Jesus, our Exemplar, and Mary Baker Eddy, self-proclaimed revelator of the Revelation, who brought forth, as “scribe under orders,” the Comforter promised by our Master, called our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  (As an aside, this should silence those claiming it is the person of Mrs. Eddy, rather than our textbook, that is the Second Coming of the Christ.  God doesn’t duplicate those He assigns to do His work.  Today there is but the one impersonal Christ-idea, man.  Mrs. Eddy understood herself to be that man, just as “The Christian Scientist,…alone with his own being and with the reality of things,” must understand it.  For the Christian Scientist is “alone with [God] the reality of things.”  (Mess. 01, 20:8)   You find yourself to be that Scientist, and that man is immortal from the very beginning, which means the only,  as the one man of God.  That man, then, is not what mortals interpret with the eyeballs as man.)  In the One Volume, under the heading of The False Prophet, the one Thinker is divine Mind, and that concept is developed in its relation to realization, where it says,   

            Mrs. Eddy is said to have told her friends, on a number of occasions, that she never could us arguments in her healing.  That is readily understandable.  Arguments relate wholly to, “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance, in matter,” and that has nothing to do with Christian Science.  So Mrs. Eddy had nothing to do with it, but everything to do with, “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all,” which is the revelation of Christian Science.  Mrs. Eddy, as the Revelator, naturally used this Truth, and so did her healing work through the Spirit, through realization and not through argument.

            The spirit of Christian Science is realization, and it is that alone which goes with “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.  Arguments go with, “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter,” and these arguments always must bring thought into accord with the real spirit of Truth and Love, before any healing is accomplished.  That is their only purpose, and doubtless, that is why Mrs. Eddy has insisted that you use “the mental argument…until you can cure without it instantaneously and through Spirit alone,” and doubtless also to prevent laziness.  Mrs. Eddy expressed in her own life the essence of her prophecy that the time would come when healing would spontaneously go forth from the Christian Scientist, as perfume goes forth from the flower.

            The realization that you are now in the Ascension Era, with “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all,” will finally free you from all need of arguments except those which are necessary to purify malicious mind of the slightest contamination, in your thought, with matter of mortal belief.  Then you have on the wedding garment of purity, which alone allows you instant entrance into your Father’s pure presence of infinite Mind, which embraces all-mind, and all- belief of any mind apart from the one all-inclusive Mind.  In that Mind, all evil is spontaneously eliminated, and vanishes.  “When the thinker is lost in the eminence of Mind, the healing takes place.”   Mrs. Eddy knew only Christian Science and so only the one divine Mind, as All-in-all; and that is realization, instantaneous healing.  (One Volume, p. 28/938-29/939)

In the opening Section of the Class Drill, under the heading, Factors Involved in Healing, it shows that when the “thinker is lost in the eminence of Mind, the healing takes place,” that the healing takes place because of pure realization.

God, as divine Mind, operates as the impartation of divine thought to man, just as the sun imparts heat and light to its ray; whereas the negation, malicious mind, operates first to dispossess man of his mind and then to control him.  The one is true operation, the other is impossible; for with one Mind only, how could there be any dispossessing of one mind by another?

The necessity for the destruction of the belief that there is malicious mind is what is referred to in the statement, “The axe is laid unto the root of the tree.”  The root of the tree of evil is, as you have already established, always the erroneous belief that malicious mind is; that the negation, unreversed, is entity or positive fact, acting as mind, and so appearing as positive evil.

Lay the axe at the root of this falsity by the realization that there is one Mind only, and that one, infinite; one presence, power and intelligence; and that therefore there is no room for a malicious mind either to be, or to operate hypnotically, as presence, power, intelligence, or as any other lie.  This realization is the spontaneous healing of any claim.

Always accompanying such healing is the understanding that nothing has actually been healed; that there was nothing wrong to be healed; that what took place was enlightenment, communion with the one Mind as All-in-all.

By reversing the negation, the positive appeared as the fact.

Mrs. Eddy illustrates this in her statement in Unity of Good: “When I have most clearly seen and most sensibly felt that the infinite recognizes no disease, this has not separated me from God, but has so bound me to Him as to enable me instantaneously to heal a cancer which had eaten its way to the jugular vein.  In the same spiritual condition I have been able to replace dislocated joints and raise the dying to instantaneous health.”

Every argument ceases when a claim is seen for what it really is – hypnotic suggestion.  Then the demand is no longer for argument, but for pure realization.  This is symbolized by the Holy of Holies of the ancient Jewish temple into which only the High Priest (the symbol of the pure realization of God’s allness) could enter.

Into the Holy of Holies, which is pure realization, no argument enters.

Realization is all that is present.

Realization is the healing in Christian Science.

Realization is the purity of being.

Realization is the spirit of Christian Science.  Indeed, it is Christian Science itself.

            You will discover, as we go on, that every case is finally reduced to the one common denominator of evil – hypnotic suggestion.

Hypnotic suggestion is, as Mrs. Eddy designates it, “The specific term for error, or mortal mind.”  Whether appearing, therefore, under the guise of sin, sickness, death, limitation or any other phase of human belief, it is never a thing that is wrong, but always pure hypnotism that is deceiving.  Evil can be handled only by being so understood.

Remember, however, that the temptation is always to accept evil as a thing.  But as a thing it would be indestructible. You cannot destroy a thing, but you can destroy a false sense by replacing it with the true sense.  It is the true, or Christ sense, that always destroys the hypnotic suggestion.

This is the basis of true Christian Science practice; and nothing is Christian Science practice that does not reduce evil to hypnotic suggestion, and destroy it as such.  (One Volume, pages, 205/261, over to 207/263.)

  1. From the very beginning to the end of her Founding Mrs. Eddy said many times, especially on June 7, 1909, “I do not regard this attack upon me as a trial, for when these things cease to bless they will cease to occur.” (My. 143:20)

Mrs. Eddy also says: “St. Paul declared that the law was the school-master, to bring him to Christ.  Even so was I led into the mazes of divine metaphysics through the gospel of suffering, the providence of God, and the cross of Christ.”  (Ret. 30)

  1. Why do “these things” bless until they cease? Why does the cross of Christ join with the providence of God, in leading the mortal “into the mazes of divine metaphysics”?

Mrs. Eddy gives the reason in Unity of Good: “From the beginning this lie was the false witness against the fact that Spirit is All, beside which there is no other existence.  The use of a lie is that it unwittingly confirms Truth, when handled by Christian Science, which reverses false testimony and gains a knowledge of God from opposite facts, or phenomena.” (36:4, Emphasis mine, PWA)

The highest statement of this blessing is given in Science and Health is:

The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make (does make, is making,-PWA) an angel entertained unawares.  Then thought gently whispers: ‘Come hither! Arise from your false consciousness into the true sense of Love, and behold the Lamb’s wife, – Love wedded to its own spiritual idea.’  The cometh the marriage feast, for this revelation will destroy forever the physical plagues imposed by material sense.” (574:27-6)

In giving support to the above, in its chapter titled, THE NEGATION, in the Class Drill Section of the One Volume, the chapter Recapitulation is quoted from page 484:28, of Science and Health.  It says, “Is materiality the concomitant of spirituality, and is material sense a necessary preliminary to the understanding and expression of Spirit,” to which Mrs. Eddy replies in part, “If error is necessary to define or to reveal Truth, the answer is yes; but not otherwise.” 

In the “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science,” the One Volume continues by saying,

The foregoing means that whenever the negation will best enforce the recognition of the Truth, it will appear, claiming to be the reality, for frequently the mortal understands the truth of being better when the negative form appears to him than when the positive form appears, because it arouses him to the necessity of reversing it.

The negative statement carries with it more discipline than the positive statement of Truth.  It challenges the human sense of good, and causes the mortal to move more quickly to the final triumph of Spirit over matter.” (129/185)


            Whether God appeared to Jesus in negative or positive language, made no difference to him.  He understood that the negative reversed (seen in reverse-PWA) is the positive and thus relinquished the negative for the positive….Like Paul, then, you rejoice at the so-called tribulations, even though they seem to be ‘infirmities…necessities,…distresses,’ for you know that, when reversed, these declare the infinite abundance and omnipresence of good.” (135/191)

The wrong that is the opposite of the right, is borrowed from the wrong and points to it.  In this spiritual revelation the lie does and must point to and declare the fact it borrows from, hence it “unwittingly confirms the Truth, when handled by Christian Science.” (Un. 36:4)

  1. In May of 1903, Mrs. Eddy tells us about the age we all are now living in because she had already proven for mankind – by demonstration – what Science and Health declares, that “The third stage in the order of Christian Science is an important one to the human thought, letting in the light of spiritual understanding….dependent upon no material organization.” (508:28)   By every step in the unfoldment of Christian Science Mrs. Eddy kept material organization under her control so that no mortal could ever control another mortal while she was present to prevent it.  She was the demonstration of Church.  And she was doing this not only for all Christian Scientists, but for every Christian throughout the world, showing, proving, that it could be done.

It was starting in 1903, the third year of the Twentieth Century, when Mrs. Eddy started weaning branch-child from all dependence upon Mother as the first step in  detaching the affections of Christian Scientists from material organization and its control of mortals by other mortals.  What control there was, would last only as long as she was to remain with us.  She said that in the year 1895, “loyal Christian Scientists had given to the author of their textbook, …the individual, endearing term of Mother.”  But by 1903, she placed a By-law in the Manual stating that, “owing to a public misunderstanding of this name, it is the duty of Christian Scientists  to drop the word mother and to substitute Leader.”  She was clearly saying that Science and Health, and not person, would now be the Leader of Christian Scientists, as indeed, it is.  What other Leader could there ever be but the one Revelation of Christian Science!  Could mortals possibly imagine that they could control the Revelation to each individual?  Dropping the personal sense of Mother and replacing that sense with Leader, shows what one is to rely upon in the future, the Revelation or Word of God. 

What greater influence than this could there be for mankind, to show the unfettered Christian Scientist that he is already mature, that now “We live in an age of Love’s divine adventure to be All-in-all.” (My. 158:9)   Mrs. Eddy is telling Christian Scientists who have eyes to see, that this is not a “divine adventure” into ecclesiasticism, but to see that one never gets into it; now awaken to what constitutes this “divine adventure”!   In 1903 branch-child was now at the mental age of twelve years, and like young people everywhere, “Love’s divine adventure to be All-in-all” is opening up before those having spiritual eyes to see.  Growth is not a maturing of the human mind to seeing more spiritually, but simply clearer and clearer unfoldments of the one divine Mind.  Young people at the age of twelve are beginning to think for the first time for themselves with “Mother” available only for divine guidance, knowing that one can turn to “Mother’s” example of demonstration, to her Manual of what to do and what not do.

It was in 1891, then, when Mrs. Eddy  permitted  the church to reorganize, but only as a concession to the lack of spiritual understanding of Christian Scientists.  She knew spiritual growth would be required.  From 1903 to 1910, when she was to leave the scene, branch-child would have another seven years to grow, would then be at the mental age of 18. 

Starting in 1903 no more major concessions to ignorance would be permitted except for a few minor concessions until she was ready to leave the scene.  At that time all the concessions she made were estopped by her Manual By-laws, and no longer operable.  And so they were blue-penciled by the Directors who completely ignored them, claiming to the field that since the Directors could not fulfill the impossible, the By-laws could just be ignored.  Talk about the dragon of Revelation operating as the mind of mortals; this is the supreme example!  The spiritually demanding By-law estoppel clauses were designed to keep mortal mind in check, not to be “laws of limitation” for the Christian Scientist.  What is so fascinating is that every single change Mrs. Eddy made to her By-laws, that change would be met by a simultaneous corresponding change in Science and Health, placing our textbook on the basis of Mrs. Eddy’s highest demonstrated impersonal teaching.  

Between 1903 and 1910, Mrs. Eddy would begin to prepare thought for the total removal of all concessions through her estoppel clauses in the Manual.  Since it was Mrs. Eddy who made all concessions to the mortal’s ignorance of spirituality, only Mrs. Eddy could end them.  Why?  Because it was all going on as her very own experience.  No Board of Directors could do for her what only she could do for herself!  It was in 1903 when she revealed for the first time, for those having eyes to see, that she would be leaving the human scene on December 3rd, 1910.  Why or how could I say that?  Because Mrs. Eddy was in full control, not only of her body, but of her every experience!.  Knowing she didn’t live in it; she couldn’t die out of it.  She could leave in accordance with her demonstrated understanding!.   

Also, because Mrs. Eddy had demonstrated over material organization.  She knew that Edward A. Kimball understood this, for Kimball came under her wing during the dissolution of the centralized organization in the Fall of 1888.  And she kept close tabs on his understanding from that time forward.  She knew that Kimball, under her direction, could teach the Science of it, meaning thereby, that with Kimball, her own student, that here was now another, other than with Mrs. Eddy herself, who understood and taught what was to become known as her “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science,” that did not mean that most Christian Scientists, even her own students, even slightly, understood it, for they did not! 

When Mrs. Eddy selected Kimball, as someone other than herself, to become her Normal Class teacher starting in 1899, in preparation to leading thought far into the Twentieth Century, they both knew that one from the field of Christian Scientists had to step forward in this understanding, to complete the entire round of scientific demonstration.  It was in the fourth class given, when one spiritually stepped forth and caught the attention of Kimball.  Keep in view here that there were many fine people in those classes.  But Christian Science growth is not in the rise of two-legged mortals, but in the rise of spirituality in the Line of Light to the understanding and demonstration of Science and Health.  As Kimball rose to that understanding under Mrs. Eddy, so one would have to rise to that understanding under Kimball.  Kimball immediately notified Mrs. Eddy keeping her posted on his progress.  Both Mrs. Eddy and E. A. Kimball were waiting for such an individual to appear, under God’s direction, just as Kimball appeared to Mrs. Eddy in her 1888 class, and so she invited him back to take a second class with her so she could get a more thorough look at his progress.  This now showed that, as of 1902, here was another, other than Mrs. Eddy and Kimball, but now one from the “field” of Christian Scientists, taught, not by Mrs. Eddy, but  by one of her students (Kimball), showing that the teaching is now universal and impersonal.  The one who stepping forward in that 1902 Normal Class was Herbert W. Eustace.

Stop for the moment and look at these two men from the standpoint of the C.C.T.    Being the highest representation of God’s man, they were both met by the most hostile of reactions from the human mind.   They met every challenge presented to them, proving they understood Mrs. Eddy’s teaching as the Founding Facts will show.  But that’s a different subject to be presented later.

This rise to Mrs. Eddy’s “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science” paved the way for one who was to demonstrate on the same basis as Mrs. Eddy, fulfilling twelve of Mrs. Eddy’s prophecies including her major top prophecy in response to his letter to her.  Her letter to  him can be read in Miscellany, where she tells him that it would be his understanding of her C.C.T. that would keep Christian Science from disappearing “from among mortals.”  (197:8-22, esp. line 15)  But more on that at another time.   Man’s conscious state in this age is one of gratitude.  For example, How can I have more, if I am not overflowing with gratitude for all my now abundance in this limitless consciousness of all good?   Mr. Eustace’s first Journal article, at the opening year of this closing century, in 1901, is Gratitude.  That article was the first of many articles and books in his opening up to mankind his entire life’s work in  summation of his 50 years and more of “C.C.T.” work.  His 50 year summation article which appeared in 1951, is titled, the False Prophet.  Its opening page is devoted to gratitude. (1/912)  It opens with Mrs. Eddy’s statement: “When I see a student grateful, I know he is safe.”  Why?  Because he sees we are now “living in an age of Love’s divine adventure to be All-in-all.”  The Christian Scientist cannot possibly experience this within the framework of ecclesiasticism where mortals are controlled by other mortals.  We can accept “Love’s divine adventure” because we know, “The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness.”  (S. & H. 536:8)

  1. Always start with Cause not effect, with God never with the appearing. Whoso says: “To start from cause is to start from God.  To start from effect, is to start from the one evil.” (392)  After its opening self-evident Introductory Explanations, the Class Drill gives as the first foundation stone of spiritual understanding, the always and only start, that Consciousness Is, and from this understanding springs the one thing I innately know, I consciously am, consciously aware.

Consciousness Is means the omnipresence of its one infinite ever right idea, whatever name given to the appearing of that idea, – whether called nerve, coordination, or whatever.  In Whoso, pages 94/472 to 95/473, there is a wonderful thrashing out of all this C.C.T. work, showing how to get it all into the kingdom of heaven.  You know it is not a “thing” that needs handling, but always malicious animal magnetism.  As Science and Health says, “animal magnetism or hypnotism” is the true name or specific term to handle.        

God, the divine Mind, divine Love, the one consciousness, is the one animation, the one magnetism, one attraction, and this Infinity is deadly malice, the law of annihilation to all unlike Itself.

Said Mrs. Eddy, “This beautiful presence all around us is the substance of every good we could possibly desire.”  (O.V. 17/395)

There is only one body.  The one God imparts of Himself to you as His idea, perfect in its every detail, from the infinitesimal to the infinite.  What marvellous news that is for each one.  Any specific denial you may make is a wholly mental thing in handling malicious animal magnetism.  You can handle that every instant.  Consciousness Is, so “Cling steadfastly to God and His idea.”  (S.& H. 495:14)

In our wholly spiritual C.C.T. bond,

Paul W. Ambuul

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